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homes.co.nz Premium Agent

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الأعمال التجارية مرجع
المطور: PropertyNZ Limited

Welcome to the homes.co.nz agent app, an exclusive app for our Premium Agents.

Engage with more than 500,000 Kiwi Homeowners exploring 1.7M homes to buy, sell or rent on homes.co.nz. Connect with them right at the start of their property journey.

Free property insights
Search all of our property data and view public record data for over 1.7 million properties
Market appraisals
Easily enter your range for a property on the go
Featured Listing
Get 10x more views, grab the attention of potential buyers and being in the spotlight.

We are NZ’s 1st ever full-service property portal, eager to share free property information that is beautifully simple to consume. We are pioneers, innovators and driven to feed valuable information to you. Thousands of Kiwi Homeowners use insights from our website to make their property decisions easier.

How it works

1. Login to start your journey
2. View your profile
3. View your listing performance
4. View your stats and performance results on individualised listing graphs and data tables.
5. Customise date ranges to view statistics
6. Upgrade your listing to a Featured Listing
7. Enter appraisal details into the app and to process it within a day.
8. Search individual addresses for property data